About Me

International Club DJ. R&B Maniac & Tastemaker. Artist Manager. Event Manager. Songwriter. Producer. Remixer. In it to win it, baby!
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Tuesday 3 May 2011

postheadericon HALLELUJAH! Ya boy is back...

Jesus Christ. I've been waiting 9 fuckin' months for this moment. Can you believe that??? Thanks to my oh-so-wonderful domain host (NOT!!!), my address www.djsoulchild.com had been accidentally deleted and publically set to "available", even though i had paid for 2 years, yet hadn't used it for barely 8 months. Ain't that 'bout a bitch??!!

So there i go, bombarding them with e-mail after e-mail after e-mail...no response. Called up, got diverted and forwarded to multiple employees who you'd expect to be qualified enough to help you out, right? Nope. Just a total, utter bunch of lazy, useless wankers who simply didn't give a flying fuck.

And neither did i anymore. I couldn't care less if the phone call to the USA was expensive or not - shouting, cussing, releasing tension, throwing all sorts of insults down the phone at them and basically going H.A.M. without a single hint of guilty conscience was well worth the money. Whenever i'm having a bad day, i'm really tempted to call them up and blame it all on them, just for the relief factor...lol...

But anyway, i've changed hoster in the meantime and i'm really happy to be back and all up in your grills again. Got soooooo much R&B goodness and news to catch up on and share with y'all, so hold tight!

Thanks for your patience and for checkin' back!

Musically yours,