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International Club DJ. R&B Maniac & Tastemaker. Artist Manager. Event Manager. Songwriter. Producer. Remixer. In it to win it, baby!
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Tuesday 22 June 2010

postheadericon COMING SOON: Stomp The Yard 2: Homecoming (Trailer)

"Aaahh hell naaahh! Not another damn Streetdance movie!!", i hear you say. Yeah, i know what you mean. This year is definitely the year of dance movies, with "Step Up 3D", the UK's "Streetdance 3D" and of course this "Stomp The Yard" sequel. I'm pretty sure it's no coincidence that these movies are all dropping this year, 'cause judging by the trailers, they all look pretty impressive in terms of dance moves and choreographies, as if they're trying to out-do eachother. As always, the acting is gonna be as crap as ever, but then again that's not what counts here, is it? We want a spectacle! Some spine-tingling, bone-breaking, joint-twisting, action-packed extreme-dancing like we've never seen before!!!

But will they deliver? Well, after the first two disappointing, boring, oh-so-predictable "Step Up" movies, i'm honestly not expecting much from the new 3D sequel. "Streetdance 3D" on the other hand, despite the unbelievably appauling, uninventive title, seems more promising. One reason being that UK's best crews, the incredibly sick "Flawless" and "Diversity" (as seen on "Britain's Got Talent") are making an appearance, and the other being that the UK needs to prove themselves against the mighty Hollywood productions. The first "Stomp The Yard" movie from back in 2007 was actually pretty good, 'cause the story line was more original, the dance style "stepping" in itself is very unique, and the acting was actually surprisingly good too, actors Columbus Short and Meagan Good had some great on-screen chemistry going on! So this sequel is definitely the one i'm rooting for.

The only thing that makes me slightly sceptical, is the fact that it's going straight to DVD & BluRay on 21st September. And that usually ain't a good sign..."Save The Last Dance 2" was the best example - TERRIBLE!!! But i guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Check out the official trailer: