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International Club DJ. R&B Maniac & Tastemaker. Artist Manager. Event Manager. Songwriter. Producer. Remixer. In it to win it, baby!
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Monday 21 June 2010

postheadericon NEW MUSIC: Keith Sweat - I'm The One You Want

Uh-oh...i can just imagine millions of 35-plus-year-old married women and mothers across the globe losing their minds and skipping about in an almost pubescent frenzy with a sauna in their panties right about now. 'Cause what Jason DeRulo is to you regurgitated-music-listening young'ns out there, is what Keith Sweat was to the "older" generation. But with the small exception that Keith can actually sing and his timeless, smooth babymakin' R&B has longevity power. In fact, if it weren't for Keith Sweat, you probably wouldn't be here today...yeah ok, i know picturing your parents having slappin' skins isn't exactly an enjoyable thought, but i figured it was worth a mention...

Anyway, Keith's brand-new album "Ridin' Solo" pretty much dropped out of nowhere, even i didn't see this coming. Although i did get his joint "Test Drive (feat. Joe)" a few months ago, which was a hint of a new release, but it still caught me off-guard. But hey, it's Keith, so it's always a pleasant surprise! The first thing that struck me at first quick listen, is that Keith has yet again managed to stay true to his signature style, by cleverly using modern sounds, without adapting it to the extent that he alienates his fans that have been down with or even loved his music since day one. So, if you're 18+ years old and don't mind some good-quality, soulful balladry to accompany your "sexy time", this might even appeal to you too.

BUT! It can have side-effects! If your parents hate your girlfriend/boyfriend's guts, but suddenly barge into your room with cookies, because they expected you to be doing your homework together instead, then don't be surprised if your Mum shouts "Hold on - is that Keith Sweat playin'??! Ooooh looooorrrd!! I luuuurrrve me some Keith!!!", slow-dances with your Dad for a minute, talking about when they first met until the song finishes, acting like a total cock-block. But then be prepared for the consequences...

Swiftly moving on....like most of his releases, the album consists of 90% grown'n'sexy slow jams. All good stuff. But "I'm The One You Want", a mid-tempo piece of R&B feel-good niceness, which interpolates the immortal 1987 Surface classic "Happy", was definitely the stand-out cut for me. Something to ride out and mack to in the whip on a warm Summer evening. Enjoy!

RATING: 9/10



DJ Absoulute said...

This is definetly hot ! R'n'B as its best !